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The main objective of Help! I Have a Prodigal is to give hope and healing

(and I would add peace and wisdom to that) to individuals and families

in prodigal situations. Judy speaks plainly to her audience about the

tough and emotional aspects of dealing with a prodigal, and she combines

her personal story, scriptural concepts, practical illustrations, and powerful prayers to guide her readers in “destroying” the “mountain

of offense, hurt, and pain,” holding to biblical standards all the while.

         Dori Harrell, Managing Editor at Redemption Press

Did you know that nearly everyone you meet within the
church has a prodigal in their life? 

Someone they care about , a son, a daughter, spouse, father, mother, friend,
co-worker, someone who has lost hope, made choices that are destroying them and their family. Maybe through drugs, alcohol or a reckless lifestyle, they chose something else besides Jesus. Do you need "Help! I Have a Prodigal."
by Judy R. Slegh. I had the privilege and honor of being able to pre-read the book and found it uplifting, hopeful. and encouraging. Each chapter lists thought provoking questions that help you see the situation through heaven't perspective. Great book! Great read! 
Vizma Schlundt
Honestly, it has taken Judy Slegh decades of loving God and years of
walking with a prodigal to be prepared to write this book. Are you wounded,
hurting, feeling stuck regarding a prodigal in your life? There is hope and help!
Judy Slegh outlines her very relocatable story and shares steps to freedom for
you. She starts with changing you fist. Only then can you begin to care for the prodigal in your life trusting the Holy Spirit at every step. If it is true that "hurting
people hurt people," it is also true that "whole people can bring wholeness
to the broken, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
If you don't need the book today, buy it for someone that does and
do a book study with them. Each chapter offers questions and
space for reflection that could be life changing. If only we would
slow down and be healed and helped first.
Steven Ose Cru Missionary of 20 years
This book is life changing! Judy gives personal testimonies that draw the reader in, gives easy tips, tools and applications to use. The book is easy to read and applicable to those who have a prodigal and even those wanting to grown in their faith. She covers everything in this book and is sure to change your life. I highly recommend Help! I have a Prodigal!
Integrity Powerful, Holy Spirit lead insights Imbued with God's
loving kindness toward those who are lost and wondering,
as well as those who are truly seekers.

She is a joyful, Spirit filled Jesus follower! Herself captured by
God's healing love, she is focused and steadfast. Judy
accurately handles The Word of Truth!

Judy powerfully educates and motivates people to rise above situations

where we have become hurt, disappointed and hopeless due to relationships.

As an educator, she engages people through illustrations and stories to bring

healing and connection to God's heart for the listener. 

Through her personal experience with having a prodigal and helping

others through prayer ministry, she shares a inner healing and prayer

model to incorporate into daily living. 

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