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10 Week Activation
Help! I Have A Prodigal R
First Name:
Last Name:
Spouce's First Name (if registering together):
Email Address:
Please fill out the
The more in depth you are, the better
equipped I will be
to assist you during this boot camp.
1) Who is your prodigal? Include: their relationship to you, their age, if they are in your home or totally removed? Explain the issues right now.
2) How long have you been experiencing your prodigal situation?
3) What emotions or feelings you currently experiencing regarding your prodigal situation?
4) What have you pursued to support your prodigal? Has it been successful?
5) What type of support have you pursued for yourself? Has it been successful?
6) What has been the most difficult thing you have had to deal with?
7) Tell me about your spiritual walk.
8) What outcome would you like to see from attending this course?
What is your current level of hope regarding your prodigal situation? (Five stars means hope is high right now.)
Not Much
Somewhat Confident
Fully Restored
10) Rate your relationship with God. Right now I feel...
Very Close to Him
Close to Him
Some Distance to Him
Like He is Out of the Picture.
Submit Registration
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